Sources of Roof Damage

As an essential part of protection for every house, a roof should last as long as possible. A faulty or damaged roof can be dangerous not only for your home but also for your family. Whether you have a shingle roof, metal, slanted, or a flat roof, it will be subjected to damage over time. It is essential to regularly monitor and maintain the roof to be sure that it remains in good shape. A regular inspection of the roof should be performed. If you suspect any damage or leak, call your local roofer immediately. 


Many factors can weaken a roof. Regardless of the type of roof you have, here are some common causes of roof damage which every building owner should be aware of:

Lack of maintenance

The most important thing a homeowner should do is the regular check-up of the roof. Failing to get roof repair done when needed can cause severe roof damage. Routine inspection for leaks and other minor damages, sweeping off the roof patio, and cleaning gutters and downspouts can prove beneficial.

Poor Installation

Roof replacement, installation, and roof repair should always be left to an experienced roofing company. Hiring a new company or trying to do it yourself can put you at risk financially and physically. Good roofing practices can prevent problems to the roof like installing proper flashing, using quality roof sealants, and fastening or overlapping shingles correctly.

Overgrown trees and debris

Trees hanging over the roof can be damaging. Tree limbs can fall during a storm or due to rot and can crack or break the shingles. If the branch is heavy enough, it can even damage the wooden underlay. Leaves, pine needles, and cones from overhanging trees can clog gutters and retain moisture. The constant humidity will eventually lead to water penetrating through the shingles. Leaves and fruits on the trees will invite pests that can cause damage to the roof. 

Weather conditions

It is one of the leading and most severe causes of roof damage. Violent storms can harm your roof severely. Constant exposure to scorching heat can also damage the roof. Harsh weather conditions can cause anything from drying and deteriorating shingles, weakening and softening of the roof, leading to a leak or cave-in. 

Roof Traffic

Roofs can get damaged by heavy foot traffic. Walking on a hot roof with spiked shoes can cause punctures. If the roof is old, walking can cause shingles to crack and split. A roof unprotected by walk pads cannot tolerate heavy traffic. While being on the roof, make sure not to mishandle parts or drop heavy things, which can damage the roof's membrane.

Roofs require regular maintenance and monitoring. Roof replacement is a significant expense to cover for any homeowner. Spotting the signs of damage before they become a big problem can save time and money in the long run. Any damage caused to the roof requires a professional roofing company's services to ensure that the problem is fixed efficiently and protect your home from further roof damage. 

Yuras Roofing Company is a family-owned and operated business for commercial and residential roofing in San Antonio. We install all types of composition and laminated shingles, metal roofing, TPO, and more. Gutters, ventilation, and insulation are also available. Call us today at (210) 592-4802.