The hot Texas climate keeping your home too warm? Is your air conditioning struggling in summer months? Insulation may be the answer! Insulation is always a great cost effective investment. Yuras Roofing Company will install blown-in insulation in any home, using the Owens-Corning AttiCat insulation system. This insulation is a great way to add value to any home.

Insulation works by slowing the transfer of heat between two places. Insulation is comprised of tiny air spaces between fibers. These air spaces are what prevents heat exchange. In the case of your home, insulation works by slowing the heat from the sun on the roof from moving into your home. In winter, it prevents the heat from escaping.

The effectiveness of insulation can be hampered by poor installation, which will create voids in the layer. It can also be affected by compression—that’s right—stepping on insulation or storing boxes on it will crush those tiny air pockets and negate the effectiveness. Air movement is another issue, which is why that section of attic should be sealed. Finally, moisture is another element which hampers the effectiveness of insulation.

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